Saturday, August 18, 2007

Music and Meditation for Self Development

When meditating we learn the skills and practice for relaxation. Relaxation helps to prevent pain, get a more restful night of sleep, along with many other things to keep us happy and healthy.

Learning meditation with music is a skill and not an exercise; so don’t expect to see immediate results over night. You will need to make a few changes in your everyday life at least three times a week. Make some goals and use positive thinking to be successful with meditation skills for self-improvement. Remember it took years to get where you are at; so don’t expect as miracle overnight.

Lie down and let yourself drift off somewhere that you’d like to be. Use your positive thinking skills and imagination to help you relax while listening to the music. Once you’ve found the right place to lay and drift let your toes go first. Second let your feet drift off with the toes and your imagination. Keep on letting each part of your body go until you’ve reached your head. Now just lay there and relax.

As you start relaxing your body will begin to feel funny but that is ok because it means your on the way to improving your self-development skills.

It takes about 20 to 30 minutes really to relax for you to notice a difference when you get up. Relaxing with music for meditation to self-development will help you to look forward to facing the next day at whatever you have to do. You will be able to make better decisions because you slept better the night before. It will be easier be around people once you learn self-development skill to be more successful at daily living.

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