Saturday, August 18, 2007

Meditation for concentration

Meditation is not keeps one fit but it also gives the power of attention to that person.

Recent research carried out at the University of Wisconsin-Madison suggests that attention can be improved by meditation - UniWisconsin. Your brain has only a finite amount of power and if you pay close attention to one thing this means you may miss something else. If two visual signals for example are shown a half-second apart, people often don�t see the second one."The attention momentarily goes off-line," says Richard Davidson of the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health and the Waisman Center. "Your attention gets stuck on the first target, then you miss the second one." This effect is called "attentional blink," as when you blink your eyes, you are briefly unaware of visual signals.But given that people can sometimes catch the second signal suggests that the limitation is not strictly physical and may be subject to mental control.Davidson's research group in the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior under the leadership of postdoctoral fellow Heleen Slagte

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